Why I Love Connecting People…

I have always loved connecting people. It is another core value and guiding principle at Better Your Best, and its one of my favourite things to do in the world.

Feeling connected has never been more critical to our global community. There’ve been unreal examples of silver linings that’ve presented themselves in the midst of a pandemic: people singing to each other from their respective balconies, strangers writing letters to people in care homes.

Anyone who knows me, knows I love to throw a party and inviting people to things! Of course, I too have had to shift the ways in which I connect people as we all experience social distancing and self-isolation. That doesn’t mean that making connections has to stop, though. It can’t. We must connect virtually until this passes. And it will pass.

I truly believe that when we connect people, synergies happen. Momentum is built. THAT is where great ideas come to life.