Attracting, Growing, And Retaining Top Talent…

It comes down to a well-thought-out and purposeful employee engagement strategy. Imagine for a few minutes the following:

  • A workplace where employees are actually excited to come to work, putting in commutes because they love your office and their teams…your space, culture and people make it more desirable to be together than to work from home.
  • Employees that consistently refer their rockstar peers as future employees because they are proud of where they work, and know that the work they do matters
  • Receiving calls from customers raving about their experience with your employee “Doug” who went above and beyond trying to understand their challenge and to come up with a solution
  • Leading weekly huddles whereby employees are engaging in positive conflict…debating new objectives, concepts, or feedback. Navigating this conflict in a way that is respectful and everyone feels like their point of view was heard.
  • Employees that use up their wellness budgets, professional development budgets, and holiday time
  • Laughter…a lot of laughter.

If I was your employee those would be some of the outcomes I’d be looking for from my employee experience strategy.

So let’s do a temperature check. How is your business doing at achieving these outcomes? Consider some of these questions:

  • Do we have a purposeful employee experience strategy? Do our employees know and live our purpose?
  • Is the employee experience strategy directly connected to all phases of the employee life cycle?
  • Who owns this strategy and how often are we reviewing it?
  • What are we doing well right now?
  • Where might there be an opportunity for us to do better?
  • How are your employees doing/feeling overall? How do you capture this beyond a net promoter score?

In my experience, you either have something or nothing. And if you have an employee experience strategy you’re probably doing a lot of great things…but just haven’t reviewed it in a while. If this is the case I would challenge you to think about how could amplify this, this quarter. After all is summer a perfect time to bring people together to have some fun?

Or you don’t have anything because you are too busy reacting to growing and your work on hand. So pause now and put designing an employee experience strategy as a next quarter objective!

Need some help or inspiration? Join us for next weeks webinar where we will be hearing from COO of DL&Co Wendy Allan as she shares how they’ve intentionally been building their “it’s good here” work culture and employee experience. 



FIRESIDE CHAT: Designing a Purposeful Employee Experience

Attracting and retaining top talent is an ongoing priority for businesses. During the pandemic, designing and implementing an engaging employee experience became even more of a focus for BC law firm Digby Leigh & Co. and an opportunity to truly set themselves apart from other firms.

On the webinar, we will discuss DL&Co.’s call to action and the strategies they’ve implemented to design their “it’s good here” winning corporate culture. Join us Wednesday, June 14th for this very inspiring story!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023, @ 12 pm Pacific

Are you looking for a way to develop your emerging leaders and rising stars? Are you interested in developing a group of conscious, self-aware human beings and leaders that take radical responsibility for their behaviours, actions, and thoughts-thus positively driving your business? Self-awareness of thoughts, words, and actions is the foundation of all great leadership. It’s also the starting point of all the many different types of conversations leaders need to be having.

On April 5th, we kicked off the Leading Self Training Course with over 30 rising stars and 5 internal champions. They joined us from various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and professional services. The learning is centered around optimizing your “being self” and your “doing self” in order to show up as your best for your teams, businesses, and communities.

Our next intake starts in September. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get started now!

Email today to set up a call to discuss if this course is a fit for your group!

Enjoy the sunshine! Get outside and have a wonderful rest of your June! From our team to yours, wishing you all the best!